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Kelulut (Trigona bee) honey 1000g

€ 115.00

Kelulut bees are the smallest bees and are more of a ‘house bee’. The Malays considered these small bees have more medicinal powers. For centuries honey is known to be the enemy of diseases. It is used as anti-ageing, it is able to give pleasure and enhance libido, enhancing immune system, kills bacteria, use in the treatment of bronchial catarrh, sore throat, coughs and colds.

There is a special Malay recipe for treatment of asthma using egg, lime juice and honey. Honey is also restorative after serious illness. It is used in the preparation of the famous Traditional Malay herbal remedy ubat periuk. In addition honey is said to sooth pain, acts as antiseptic, hastens healing and is effective in curing burns, carbuncle, boils and diabetic wound. It is done by mixing honey with kapur sireh or selected herbal plants. Honey comb is known to cure diabetic wound.

The Malays belief that the darker the honey the better as it is said to contain practically all minerals which help in maintaining hemoglobin. Kelulut honey is well known for its antiageing activities and in combination with honey comb is effective for treatment of tumors. Honey from the Trigona Bees contains the highest content of Vitamin C which acts as a natural booster to the body in fighting antibody related disease such as eczema, sinus etc. The trigona bees extracted nectar from various types of flowers and fruits from its surroundings. The color is more clear than usual wild honey and sweet little sour mix. Honey has many benefits to recover a variety of chronic diseases and are very useful in medicine and health.

For more info on the honey nutrition refer to :

Also a comprehensive test among few malaysian honey: